Ve ne cito alcuni:
California, proposition 4: This measure would amend the state constitution to require physicians to notify the parents or legal guardian of a pregnant minor at least 48 hours before performing an abortion involving that minor. The measure does not require that parent or guardian's actual consent in order to perform the abortion. Exceptions are provided in the cases of medical emergencies. Also, an adult family may be notified instead if the minor fears abuse from the parent or guardian. Parents may also waive the notification requirement.
Colorado, amendment 48: This measure would amend the state constitution to define the term "person" to include "any human being from the moment of fertilization." This definition would be applied to all aspects of the state constitution, including the provisions that ensure that no person has his or her life, liberty, or property taken away
Washington, initiative 1000: This measure would allow terminally ill, competent, adult residents of the state to request and self-administer lethal medication prescribed by a physician. The person requesting to end his or her life must be medically predicted to have six months or less to live.
Per tutte le altre potete andare sul sito:
E' molto interessante, visto che in Italia il referendum è sempre ostaggio di un quorum assurdo ed è continuamente snobbato dai partiti... A già, è vero, con il referendum non incassano il finanziamento pubblico a loro dovuto per le legislative e poi si sentono rapinati della prerogativa di decidere o di non decidere su qualsiasi cosa. Non ci viene mai data la possibilità di decidere su cose vitali per la vita di ognuno. Come potrete vedere, invece, il referendum è dimostrazione che gli Stati Uniti sono una grande democrazia.
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